Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Homeward Bound

Well, I guess at this point even if I did want to stay longer (which I do) the Taiwanese government wouldn't be too happy about it. So to home I head. I couldn't have asked for anything more from this trip. I had a lot of fun, made a lot of new friends, and served even beyond what I set out intending to.
When I left the staff and councilors all gathered and gave me a giant card that they signed and put pictures all over as a going away present. They even surprised me with my favorite drink, a mango ice. It was really a nice send off, very bittersweet, and I will definitely miss everyone from camp.
Of course like most of my travels, my first flight out of Taipei is delayed, so hopefully I won't miss my connection in LA. If I'm going to be traveling home I would just assume get there, and surprising enough I haven't been craving any food from home, but now that I'm heading that way, I could really go for a Whataburger.
Well I guess that's all from Taiwan, I'll definitely be posting a bunch of pictures and put together some videos once I get home, but I'm done from the road.
Thank you anyone that has followed along for following and thank you for all the prayers along the way not only for me, but the rest of the group when they were here and the entire adventure as a whole. Thank You.

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