Saturday, July 11, 2009

Catching up

So we've left off a few days so I'll try and do a quick recap...Our flights went very well for the most part, we even had extra space to stretch out on the long 13.5 hr flight to Taipei. Bob and Nancy did miss their connecting flight from LA to Tokyo, but that go them put on the same flight as the rest of the group so it really worked out for the best.
On Friday, we took a tour of the English school in town and most were given the chance to rest and recuperate so jet lag wouldn't get to anyone too bad. Bob and I however got an advance view of the camp we will be staying at as Ron took us out there to help run ropes for another group of campers that were renting the camp and wanted to climb. So not only did we get a early tour of the camp but we got to hang out with and help some of the age of kids that we are going to get to help this next week. They were so excited to climb and happy to be having fun and so encouraging to each other as they all tried to get up the wall(we assume it was encouragement since it was in mandarin!), so we feel really good about the camps and the kids that we are going to be spending camp with.
We did have a fun food mishap last night as Lee ordered Cuttlefish expecting "Cuddle" fish which ended up being little squid. Mom and I were the only ones willing to try and it wasn't bad, it wasn't great but it was cooked with enough garlic that if you could get past the rubberiness, it was tolerable.
It does seem that no one is having too bad of a time with jet lag which is great. They did give a lot of downtime in these first couple days to help people build back up and we should definitely be ready for camp when it starts Monday.


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