Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Mountains and a Waterpark

Since the rest of the team left on Friday, we've had a break from camp for the weekend. So Friday, Elizabeth(the other American staying till the last camp) and I got to tag along with a highschool/college group from the church of several of the camp workers to a waterpark! It was definitely a lot of fun, even being the only two foreigners in the entire place. We did go a lot higher and faster than anyone else on most of the rides, so being bigger than anyone else there sometimes has it's advantages. After the waterpark, a group of the kids took us to a night market and tried to get us to try all kinds of local street food, and it was all good. Elizabeth really enjoyed the baked potato with bacon and cheese.
Saturday, Ron(the camp director) took us with his family up into the mountains. It was a lot of driving to and from, but definitely worth it. The ride up consisted of a lot of fog, and the ride down was almost all rain, but at the top we got enough clear to see some really nice views and enjoy the mountains.
Today after church, we head back to camp, and get to meet the next team that is coming to takeover after our team's leaving. It should be a lot of fun, and I'm really glad I've gotten plenty of rest this weekend so I can make it two more weeks.
I've started a flickr account so I can post more pictures if you care to take a look.

My current Flickr Pictures

Oh and as I sat here typing this I experienced my first earthquake. Apparently there were 15 while the team was here, but I never felt one and no one pointed any out. This one was a 5.4.

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