Thursday, July 23, 2009

Going Home

Sorry about the big break in posts, but it seems like camp has just been non-stop. This second camp was elementary age kids, and they were ready to play and didn't show up shy at all. These kids would talk to you for minutes at a time without stopping or pausing to think we didn't speak chinese. Even after telling them, most kids would just ramble on and on, and it was very fun to see kids so happy to just be at camp and having fun. As soon as I can get them off my camera, I should have some more pictures up.
Every one had another great week even though most everyone is tired and ready for the trip home. I think I've even heard some first meal home planning and constant a/c hope.
This really has been a good group for this trip and we showed up with a lot of stuff prepared and not much of a clue what we'd do or how we'd be used, but it worked out very well. Everyone laughed so much sit-ups wouldn't even be a better work out. So now the group splits up and people are heading in a couple different directions. Mom(Beverly), Lee, and Sheri will be heading home today. Sally is already in Australia. Bob and Nancy are headed to Japan for a week. And I'm staying here for 2 more weeks. The camp needs some labor help and runs for two more weeks so I've volunteered to help and am now here till August 5. So please keep checking back for more hopefully regular updates and pictures.
Please keep everyone in your prayers as the majority of the team travels today and me as I work two more weeks of camp.
Thank you.

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