Sunday, July 12, 2009

Finally at Camp

Being Sunday and all, we took a trek to Church today. It was held in the basement of the English Christian School in Taichung. It was obviously a smaller church and made even smaller by the fact that it was summer and a lot of the members are currently traveling. It was a nice familiar service with some "Jesus Jingles" as Bob likes to call them and a nice sermon on Romans 12 and 1 Samuel. Worship the giver rather than the gifts that he has given us and use our gifts to worship him.
After church we had a great lunch of, that's right Chinese food. It was by far the best food we've had so far and the most liked by many of the members of our group as the sweet and sour chicken was a welcome sight of most of the women.
From there we headed back to the house we've been in since our arrival and the ladies cleaned as Bob and I left for camp, were we spent the better part of the afternoon wiring and installing the air conditioners in our rooms. So everyone felt a great relief as that last wire was crossed and everything began to cool down.
Tonight after our steak dinner in town, we met with the Taiwanese councilors and played some games and got to know each other. Tomorrow our campers arrive the whirlwind week is off and running for sure.

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