Friday, July 17, 2009

From Sheri

Hi all,
Lots and lots has happened over the last many can go to the BLOG and check some stuff
Camp went very well...we made a lot of friends...the kids really began to open up after the 2nd day...a lot of them could speak English fairly well but were shy about using it.
We had a great campfire on Wed. night...Ron gave a very, to the point, presentation of how the kids will have encountered Jesus during the camp and how they might respond.
Thursday the kids left and we took a train to Taipei. Ginann fixed us a great meal...rice, chicken and SALAD!!!!
Friday we we walked at least 2000 miles or possibly dogs were barking!!! But we saw lots of things: Chang Hai Shek Memorial, a handicraft market, the Palace Museum with lots of China's treasures ...which were beautiful and then we took the MRT to Damshui...about an hour from Taipei
to watch the sunset...which was beautiful and then ate at a really great Chinese restaurant. When we got home I CRASHED..I was so tired!!!!
Oh yes, when we were leaving the museum, there was the MOST BEAUTIFUL rainbow I have ever appeared to be very close and we could see both ends of it and the
the colors were so distinct! So cool!
We are going sightseeing again today...flower and jade market, the 101 building...
a really TALL building in Taipei(the one in the picture above) and tonight we will go to a night market...I'm sure I'll be whipped again tonight.....but God is good and we all have been well and are surfing the humidity.
Next week we will be working with the younger kids and they do not speak please pray that we will be able to establish relationships without language!
We go back to camp on Sunday afternoon.......
Please keep up the prayers...we all appreciate them.

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