Thursday, July 30, 2009

Real Taiwanese Experience

Well I guess I'm really seeing and living the Taiwan Life now. I'm staying with Vision's (one of the camp councilors) family in the town of Keelong for the weekend.
Example #1 of how Taiwan life is different, instead of petting a dog, I got to pet a puffer fish(video of this to come soon). It was like playing with a balloon that is breathing in your hands. We also had a "snack" at 11:30 at night which was essentially a full meal.
Vision's family runs an orphanage just down the street from their house, and we are planning on going to play with the kids tomorrow We might also make a trip to the coast since it is so close, or go to the lake and go swimming. This will definitely be an interesting cultural experience over the course of a weekend.
Oh yeah, this week was another great week at camp. Instead of being a foreigner helping the team at camp, it really feels like I'm just a part of the team here now, and it's really a blast. Like I mentioned before I even got speaking parts in the play that goes on over the course of the week. I think I did fairly well, and I know the councilors have a fun time teasing the way I say things, but it's all fun and entertaining. Besides teaching and running sports like I have all along, I also spent a large chunk of time filming the other activities that were going on. The camp pretty much films everything that goes on and takes tons of pictures for a camp video and promotional videos later, so this week I helped with the documentation. They also like to have a video ready for the kids to take home with them at the end of camp if possible. Well this week there wasn't anyone set for making the video so I took on that task as well and had the pleasure of sifting through about 75 gigabytes of video for a 5 minute video. So lets just say the video got done, but I grabbed a total of 30 minutes of sleep that I grabbed while the computer was processing some video. Sleep is calling me so I'll try and get some pictures and/or video up whenever I get a chance.

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